This is a Heading One. This is a link & this is a Heading One Italic. Oh, and this is bold.

This is Heading Two

This is Heading 3

This is bold, this is a link

This is a paragraph font and this is in italics. We want to use a lot pressure while using no pressure at all. Now we'll take the almighty fan brush. Any little thing can be your friend if you let it be.A fan brush can be your best friend. This is the time to get out all your frustrations, much better than kicking the dog around the house or taking it out on your spouse. Fluff it up a little and hypnotize it. The light is your friend. Preserve it. You need the dark in order to show the light. A beautiful little sunset. We touch the canvas, the canvas takes what it wants. We don't want to set these clouds on fire. It's life. It's interesting. It's fun. Let your imagination be your guide. Don't be afraid to make these big decisions. Once you start, they sort of just make themselves. The first step to doing anything is to believe you can do it. See it finished in your mind before you ever start. Little trees and bushes grow however makes them happy.

I like to beat the brush. The man who does the best job is the one who is happy at his job. Let's make some happy little clouds in our world. See there, told you that would be easy. We tell people sometimes: we're like drug dealers, come into town and get everybody absolutely addicted to painting. It doesn't take much to get you addicted.You better get your coat out, this is going to be a cold painting. Every single thing in the world has its own personality - and it is up to you to make friends with the little rascals. I will take some magic white, and a little bit of Vandyke brown and a little touch of yellow. Very easy to work these to death. Just beat the devil out of it. We have all at one time or another mixed some mud.The only thing worse than yellow snow is green snow. There he comes. I sincerely wish for you every possible joy life could bring. Trees cover up a multitude of sins. I get carried away with this brush cleaning.

There’s nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.
— Bob Ross